Item ranking blocks are used by GOMs when they want to collect sorting information.

Table of contents

Adding an item to your cart

To add an item with ranking to your cart click + Add and rank options as indicated in the screenshot below.

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Ranking options

The following box will slide out. The first item contains the default ranking order. You can drag and drop by holding down the entire row or the icon on the right of each row. As you move the row, the numbers on the left will change to represent the new ranking order.

The video shows an example of sorting.

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Each ranking section is titled Item 1, Item 2, Item 3, etc. because they are child items of the parent item. In the above examples the parent item is Sylvanian Families Blind Bag - Band and the child item associated with the parent is labelled Item 1.

If you have used GOMdrop before, this looks very different from item sets which have a set name and an item name, but it is ultimately the same.

Deleting, duplicating, and adding more items

Let’s look at some of the actions you can perform on an item

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Collapse: closes the sorting so you can view your rankings after sorting them

Duplicate Item: duplicates the current item along with the rankings. Best used if you want to increase the quantity of the parent item without changing the ranking order.